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Let’s Change “Basic” To Classic

Let’s Change “Basic” To Classic

It’s finally Fall, and although I love the season, it means the dreaded stereotype shaming that comes with enjoying apple orchards or a pumpkin spice latte from time to time. Why is it that we have taken it upon ourselves to shame people for taking 

It’s Fall and That Means Flu Season

It’s Fall and That Means Flu Season

Everyone gets sick from time to time. Sometimes it’s as insignificant as a runny nose, but occasionally you get so sick that it makes you want to crawl into bed and sleep for a week. Unfortunately, this happens more frequently in the Fall and we 

10 Steps To Self Care

10 Steps To Self Care

Self care is an important part of being a successful adult and member of society. When you’re a kid your parents, teachers, coaches, and other authority figures take care of you but as you get older the responsibility becomes your own. Are you doing things that are healthy for your body? Are you overworked or over-stressed? Take a minute to self evaluate your life, health, and habits. Are you where you want to be? If not you may need to start practicing some self care, here’s how.

Step 1: Stay Hydrated

Close to 80% of the human body is made of water. Are you drinking enough of it? Take your weight in pounds and divide by two. That’s how many ounces of water you should be getting every day in order to stay healthy and hydrated. Staying hydrated helps your body in all kinds of ways like having healthy skin and nails, improved digestion, it helps with weight loss, and can increase energy.

Step 2: Eat Healthy

There are all sorts of factors that go into eating healthy like proper portion sizes, eating your fruits and veggies, and not loading up of cookies every day. Personally, I just try to eat a nutritious balanced diet and limit the junk food and sweets that I eat.

Step 3: Exercise

There are all kinds of ways to get the exercise that your body needs, so find something that you enjoy doing. You may want to start by trying out a few different things like a yoga or dance class, lifting weights, joining a rec team, or using fitness machines. Everyone is different so find one or two things that work best for you!

Step 4: Practice Good Hygiene

Sometimes when we get busy, our personal hygiene suffers. We decide to push off showering an extra day, or forget to wash our face before bed. Keeping up with good hygiene practices is important and can even help you to destress. Take a hot bath, or do a face mask to treat yourself after a long day and make sure you are practicing good hygiene.

Step 5: Get Enough Sleep

Adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Try to stick to a sleep schedule that allows your body to get enough sleep and be well rested for the next day. Lack of sleep can lead to health problems like weight gain, high blood pressure, mood changes, and weakened immunity so make sure you get your beauty sleep!

Step 6: Find Ways to Destress

A certain level of stress is healthy, it keeps us alert and on top of our deadlines. However, too much stress can be a major problem for our health, social life, and academic or work life. Find something that helps you relieve stress, it could be working out, watching a show, or even taking a bubble bath.

Step 7: Spend Your Money Wisely

Money is a source of stress for many people which is why it’s important to watch your spending habits. This can be as easy as asking yourself, “Do I really need this?” or “Will I use this frequently or will it become clutter?” before buying things. Asking myself these questions has saved me a lot of money recently and I’m glad I adopted the habit.

Step 8: Manage Your Time Well

Do you find yourself double booked? Do you struggle to meet deadlines? If you answered yes, you may need to work on your time management skills. I recommend using a planner to write down meetings, deadlines, and any other events you may have to better organize your time.

Step 9: Make Time For Friends & Family

Making time for those closest to you is very important because those are the relationships that make you happy. Spending time with loved ones can also help to reduce stress. Sometimes they know you even better than you know yourself so don’t be afraid to lean on them for support.

Step 10: Adopt A Hobby That Makes You Happy

Everyone should have a hobby that they like to do. It allows you to express yourself and meet people who share the same interests as you. If you don’t have a hobby yet, try something you’ve always wanted to do!

Self care is important and not something that should be put off. Try these ten steps to improve yours!

10 Steps to Self Care, pinterest image
How To Make The Most Out Of Syllabus Week

How To Make The Most Out Of Syllabus Week

Whether you’re a freshman and it’s your first week of college, or you’re a senior and it’s the beginning of the end, syllabus week can make all the difference in your success for the semester. Why do I think syllabus week is so important? Professors 

How To Stay Organized In College

How To Stay Organized In College

College has been one of the busiest times of my life. There is always something going on whether it’s for class, work, sports, student organizations, friends, or family, and it can seem overwhelming at times. I have always been an organized person, but I had 

Take a “Me Day” You Deserve It

Take a “Me Day” You Deserve It

Sometimes life seems to be going at 100 miles per hour and we find ourselves stressed, overworked, and on the verge of a complete breakdown. That’s how you know it’s time for a “me day”! Between your job, school, spending time with friends and significant others, and any other commitments you may have; it can be easy to forget to take care of yourself from time to time. Take a day all to yourself. Give yourself a chance to get a mani-pedi, take a stress relieving bubble bath, do some yoga or maybe even just sit on the couch and watch your favorite tv show all day. The day is all about you so give yourself what you need to refresh and relax! Bonus points if you can unplug from your phone for the day!

Some of you may be thinking that a “me day” sounds great but you don’t have the extra cash lying around to go get a mani-pedi or a massage. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! Here is a list of my favorite things to do for a “me day” at home.

Sleep In.

When I get stressed out, my sleep schedule suffers. Even if I go to bed on time it takes me, what seems like forever, to fall asleep. I toss and turn all night long, and wake up just as exhausted as when I went to sleep! Give yourself a chance to unwind and relax before bed. Try reading a book, or writing in a journal to relax your mind and prepare you for bed.

Do your own mani-pedi.

This doesn’t have to be complicated, or salon quality by any means. It could be as simple as taking off old polish, taking care of your cuticles, trimming your nails, and putting on a clear, protective, coat of polish. I’ve always found that the better I look, the better I feel. So why not pamper yourself a little bit, ladies?

Draw yourself a bath.

Taking a bath can be extremely relaxing. I like to use a bath bomb, some liquid bubble bath, or mix some essential oils into the water to add a sense of relaxation. You could light some candles, put on some of your favorite music, or even read a book while your give your body and mind some much needed stress relief.

Do something you never seem to have time to do.

Maybe there’s a movie you really want to see, a cute coffee shop you’ve always wanted to try, a yoga studio you want to check out, or a tv show you got behind on watching. Today is your day to do it! Forget all of the excuses you gave yourself for not doing it in the past and use the day you set aside for yourself to finally do it.

Everyone needs some time to relax now and then. Some much needed TLC keeps you at your best, and it might be just what the doctor ordered!

me day, pinterest image
Why I Follow Bachelor Nation

Why I Follow Bachelor Nation

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Bachelor Nation has become increasingly popular among my friends and I lately. I only started watching a few months ago during Arie’s season, but I have friends who have been watching the show for years. I never really understood why 

Quick and Easy College Dinners

Quick and Easy College Dinners

Are you having trouble thinking of new tasty dinners on a college budget? You are not alone. I have had this problem time and time again. Here are some of my go to quick, easy, and delicious college dinners. Pasta/Rice Sides I eat pasta and 

College Move In Tips

College Move In Tips

My first college move-in day was crazy. With so much excitement going on it’s hard to keep track of everything you packed. Here are my top five tips for college move-in day to help yours go smoothly.

1. Organize your stuff before you pack it.

Have you ever gone somewhere and forgotten where you packed one of your most important items? This will happen if you throw everything together in a bunch of random boxes. Put similar items together to avoid this and make unpacking a breeze.

2. Spread out the weight between boxes.

I can not stress this one enough, do not make your boxes too heavy! If you are carrying something heavy try and spread it out between boxes. This makes carrying everything up 3+ flights of stairs much easier. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later.

3. Use trash bags to transport hanging clothing.

This is one of the easiest tips on this list. It keeps your clothes together and nicely hung up making for an easy transition to your dorm room closet.

4. Have a plan for where you want to store things.

Do you have space for all your clothes, school supplies, makeup, hair accessories, and more? After you get to your dorm is not the time to ask that question. Think about it ahead of time so that you don’t run out of space on move-in day. Think about using furniture that has built in storage like ottomans that open up, or tv stands that have shelving.

5. Double check your list.

When I moved into my dorm freshman year it was chaos. There were parents walking around looking for their kids and new students making the first of many friends to come. Between unpacking the car and putting everything away in my room it was over in a flash. Our RA’s had us introduce ourselves to the rest of our floor and one girl introduced herself as the girl that forgot all of her shorts at home. Don’t be that girl. Double check your list.

I hope these tips make your move-in day easy and stress free. Good luck!

College Move In Tips
10 Items Your Dorm Room Needs

10 Items Your Dorm Room Needs

When I started shopping for my college dorm I realized something, I had no idea how to shop for it! I knew that I needed the obvious things like pillows, bedding, laundry supplies, towels, shower supplies, and a futon. But what else? I decided to