How To Make The Most Out Of Syllabus Week

How To Make The Most Out Of Syllabus Week

Whether you’re a freshman and it’s your first week of college, or you’re a senior and it’s the beginning of the end, syllabus week can make all the difference in your success for the semester. Why do I think syllabus week is so important? Professors lay out their guidelines, schedules, grading scales, and assignments for you all conveniently placed in one document. It you take advantage of that information you can plan ahead and avoid last minute cramming and late assignments that lead to bad grades. Here is how I use my syllabi.

I use it to plan.

This is the number one reason I think syllabus week is so important. Most syllabi will have a schedule in them. Some include everything from class topic to weekly homework; others just tell you when big tests and quizzes will be. Write down whatever information that you can in your planner (you can read my How To Stay Organized In College post for more planner tips). This will help remind you of tests and quizzes well in advance so that you will have enough time to study. Do this for each class and you will be well on your way to a successful semester!

I use it as a reference.

I reference my class syllabus on a regular basis throughout the semester. Need to know when your professor’s office hours are? It’s probably right at the top of the syllabus. Having trouble contacting your professor? They usually list at least two ways to contact them in their syllabus, some even list their cell phone number. Want to figure out what your grade is in the class? There is usually a chart that explains how many points assignments and projects are worth along with the grading scale. The point I’m trying to make is that if you have a question about the class it is usually answered in the syllabus, and if it isn’t it tells you how to contact your professor to ask.

I use it to make sure I’m on track.

This one may not be as common as the first two uses, but I like to check back with my syllabus from time to time to make sure I’m on track with everything. This means grades, assignments, and any tests that are coming up. This gives me the chance to go to office hours or talk to my professor after class if I am behind on something.

I hope you take advantage of syllabus week and take just a little bit of time to try my tips. They really don’t take long! And lastly, don’t forget to have fun during syllabus week. It’s the least stressful week of the semester so hang out with friends and have a great time! Good luck!

syllabus week