It’s Fall and That Means Flu Season

It’s Fall and That Means Flu Season

Everyone gets sick from time to time. Sometimes it’s as insignificant as a runny nose, but occasionally you get so sick that it makes you want to crawl into bed and sleep for a week. Unfortunately, this happens more frequently in the Fall and we call it Flu Season.

I still remember the first time I got sick at college. I was away from home, and for the first time in my life, my mom wasn’t down the hall reminding me to take my medicine and drink a gallon of water. I ended up calling her an embarrassing amount of times that week to ask her how to take care of myself. 

After I was healthy again I looked back at the situation and laughed.  The things my mom told me to do were what I’d been doing my whole life, with or without her instruction. I was just too flustered to notice. We all need a little help taking care of ourselves sometimes. That’s why I made this list of things to do to keep from getting sick, and how take care of yourself when you are sick. 

Flu Season Checklist

  1. Take your vitamins! Vitamin C is your best friend when you’re sick, and a daily multi-vitamin can help keep you from getting sick.
  2. Keep your hands and house clean. Washing your hands and regularly cleaning your house kills germs and helps keep you healthy.
  3. Eat a healthy diet. Eating the right foods helps keep your body strong to fight off any sickness that might be going around.
  4. Drink lots of water. Staying hydrated is a key factor in staying healthy and helping your body recover from an illness.
  5. Take a detox bath. There are many different ways to do this. However, lots of people claim a good detox bath helps them feel better faster.
  6. Get a lot of sleep. Your body needs sleep to stay healthy, especially when it is fighting off an illness.
  7. Take your medicine. This could be over the counter, or prescribed by a doctor. What works is different for everyone, but consider taking something when you get sick. Talk to your doctor, or look for something over the counter at your local pharmacy.

P.S. There’s no shame in asking your mom for help, even when you’re a grown adult.

Flu Season Infographic