Letter From The Editor

In today’s world it’s clear, millennials have the stage. Some have recently graduated college and are just entering the working world, while others have already started a family and are well into their 30’s. By some calculations I fall into the Millennial age group (and usually refer to myself as one), however, the truth of the matter is that I’m right on the cusp. By Google’s calculations I fall into both the millennial and Gen Z groups, so I guess I’ll self categorize as a baby millennial.

Living in a split category has it’s perks along with its negatives. My college professors constantly lump me in with the millennial group that they’ve taught for the last 25 years, and with that give me the respect of an adult. But those that see me as a Gen Z-er for lack of a better term, associate me with the iPhone obsessed, social media dependent, never-played-outside-as-a-kid, generation that was born while I was entering my teens.

I’m here to assure you that there is good that came from the late 90’s babies. Yes, we may be tech savvy, and I could run almost any device that you’re reading this article on, but I also played outside as a kid and was born well before cell phones were in everyone’s pocket or purse. We represent the newest perspective on the working world and can’t wait to bring our youthful ideas to the exciting world we are entering.

So from a baby millennial (or elder Gen Z-er) I bring you Maybe Millennial. Where I will discuss everything from navigating college and the working world to travel and my favorite must have food recipes.

Can’t wait to share my world with you,

Alyssa <3