How To Become A Plant Mom: House Plants Guide

How To Become A Plant Mom: House Plants Guide

This summer I became a plant mom for multiple reasons. I have always wanted to find out if I had a green thumb like my grandma, or if I was doomed to have fake house plants my entire life. The jury is still out on that but it’s been over two months and they seem, for the most part, healthy. I also have seen multiple articles claiming that a house plant can boost your mood and help with things like air quality and sleep. After growing up in Wisconsin, I can understand how seeing a green, living, thriving plant in the dead of winter when everything is covered in snow and ice can be a mood booster. So I decided that I was going to give being a plant mom a shot!

I started my journey on the internet. There were so many different kinds of plants to choose from, how was I supposed to decide which was right for me? I considered how much confidence I had in my ability to keep a plant alive through the winter and decided to go with low maintenance, hard to kill plants. Among these are mostly cacti and succulents that require minimal watering.

I came home from the store with two plants, both easy to care for and somewhat resilient. First, I got an Arizona Snowcap Cactus. It was only labeled as an unknown succulent so I had to do some research when I got home. I got this one because it was low maintenance and really cute! The second plant I got was lucky bamboo. I had never really considered anything but succulents before, but the lady that helped me pick out my plants assured me that it was a good plant for people who were just starting out. It grows in water and can adapt to many sunlight conditions so how hard could it be?

I am extremely happy that I decided to get my house plants and love watching them grow. Hopefully I have the same green thumb my grandma does, but only time will tell! For now, I’ll just keep asking Google when I have questions.

house plants, pinterest image